First impressions are important. This is definitely true when you are selling a home. The area around your front door will usually be the first impression for anyone interested in buying your home. You can ensure that it gives a good impression with a few simple updates and DIY projects. These simple ideas for your entryway, including outdoor decorating and landscaping tips, will increase your home’s curb appeal for a more inviting appearance.
Change the look – If you have a flat surface on your door, you can turn it into something new by using paneling or molding. It’s a fairly simple process, and it can turn a plain door into something new and exciting.
Upgrade – By installing a smart lock, a video doorbell, and smart lighting, your home can become high-tech overnight. While this might not add a lot to the curb appeal of your home, especially younger buyers will appreciate the modern upgrades. It will also make the home safer to live in, and you will be able to keep track of deliveries at your door.
Use some paint – A door that is painted a bright color can easily catch the eye, but a word of caution goes along with this suggestion. If it is too bold, it might end up turning potential buyers away instead. You should consider the neighborhood you live in and make sure that your home doesn’t stand out like a sore thumb.
Landscaping – When it comes to landscaping, you can save some money by focusing on the area right in front of your entrance. It is important to keep the bushes and trees in front of your home well-trimmed. An overgrown entryway can be distracting from all the work you have done to make it look as appealing as possible.